As an Ambassador for ThinkForward, you represent the whole of ThinkForward, for example, talking to potential investors and securing funding. You are the voice of the young people! One of the bonuses of the job is that you get paid for networking, meeting new people and it looks great on your CV.
You also need to attend monthly meetings. Our last meeting took place on 15th of October at the Oval Space, which is the new office of ThinkForward located just off Cambridge Heath. It is a great space as it is open plan and is local to a few of the Thinkforward schools (e.g. Raines Foundation School, Bethnal Green Academy). The meeting was attended by 14 of 21 ambassadors.
The main topic of discussion was the hopes and fears when leaving the programme. We had to list 5 fears and 5 hopes when leaving the programme and from that we discussed them and thought of some potential ways to prevent the fears from occurring and ways to make sure the hopes we all wanted could be possible. We then moved onto to some training around how to manage your time effectively and if you would like any help with that please ask your coach. It is key to prioritise the limited time we have and we also discussed the half term opportunities, of which there were many!
Please make sure you are being pro-active when seeking opportunities by talking to your coaches and the Ambassadors at your school. If you don’t know who they are find out by asking your coach or your peers! We will be looking to get the next round of Ambassadors soon so If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador next year, contact Susannah Behr at
By Tommy Breen, ThinkForward Ambassador