On Friday 29th May, I took a group of young people to the theatre in Battersea to take part in a 40 minute workshop and to watch a play called “Sense of an Ending” about the Rwandian genocide.
Everyone agreed that the play helped them to put life in perspective and to appreciate what we have on our own doorstep. We also had fun during the workshop which was run by the director.
Here’s what some of our young people thought of the night at Theatre 503:
Chloe Thorogood: Going to the theatre allowed me to relax. coming to the theatre allowed me to be reflective and have bonding time with my colleges and other young people on the programme, an amazing night!
Asiah Dhami: Things like these really help me to put my own life in to perspective. Helping others can really make a difference. It helps me to appreciate what we have in the UK.
Shane Johnston: Going to the theatre today makes me feel so much better because of the life we live today and how it work decades ago.
Sam Monroe: Seeing the play really opened my eyes, I got to see the past in a new light it was amazing I loved the way they told their story. it was great visually and mentally and I would watch it again if I could. Brilliant.
By Halema Miah, ThinkForward Employment Adviser