I think business mentoring was one my favourite things that I did with ThinkForward. I’d describe it as something that everyone needs because it helps all your communication skills, helps you with your career pathway and working out where you want to go, and it’s really good to have social interactions with people that you don’t know.
When I first went, I was really nervous because I’d never met these people before but they were really friendly and it was fine after the first session. I got a BTEC out of it, so it was another thing to put on my CV, which they helped me write too. That was really useful because I didn’t know how to write a CV – I thought my mum would do it! I’ve learned things that I can tell my own children one day, and I can help my friends if they’re struggling to write their CVs because I can do it now.
I think the difference between what I learn at school and what I learned at business mentoring is the realistic side of things. We did a session about interviewing for jobs which definitely helped me when I went for a part-time job interview. They explained that I shouldn’t slouch, to speak properly, and all the stuff that I needed to know to get the job. I did the interview and I got the job! It’s given me more confidence.
My message to my mentor would be thank you for putting your time and effort into sitting with all of us and helping us out. It’s definitely going to help me in the future.
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