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Young and Black

About the project

ThinkForward’s Young and Black project brings together a collection of unique artworks created by young people on our FutureMe and DFN-MoveForward programmes in London, Kent, Nottingham and the West Midlands.

Alongside the art, young people share their wish for a fairer and more just society and make their own pledge to contribute to a better future.


We are incredibly proud of the book and digital exhibition which capture and illustrate feelings of injustice, passion and activism.

The Young and Black project is being run alongside UK Youth’s Young and Black campaign which was launched following the shocking murder of George Floyd in 2020.

Young people and their coaches came together to explore and challenge issues around race, identity and equity. They met again at creative workshops where young people were inspired to make their artwork.

The book and exhibition also include an open letter to young people signed by ThinkForward, business partners, funders and schools which contains a commitment to create inclusive, diverse spaces where young people from all backgrounds can thrive. 

We would like to extend a special thanks to our business partner Citi who supported the Young and Black project as part of their own racial equity, diversity and inclusion work.

Young and Black is one outcome of ThinkForward’s equity, diversity and inclusion plan which is at the heart of how we will flourish both as an organisation and in the delivery of our work.

Please take some time to ‘walk through’ the digital exhibition and look through the online copy of the Young and Black book. We hope they will inspire you, as we all seek to build a better world for young people to grow up in. 

Exhibition Guide: Click on the images below to read a guide on how to navigate the exhibition.


A snapshot of the Young & Black project:

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