1 Impetus – Young people who face barriers to employment twice as likely to be NEET
2 ResearchGate – Unemployed at young age has significant negative effect on later life
3 Learning and Work Institute – Cost of youth unemployment
4 BASE UK – 4.8% of adults with learning disabilities get into paid work
5 Institute for Employment Studies – 25% of employers have no experience hiring younger workers who face ‘disadvantage’
6 Gov UK – Employment rates for people with autism or a learning disability are lower than for people with any other form of disability
7 Gov UK – In London, black students more likely to be excluded than white British students
8 Race Equality Foundation – Black Caribbean girls excluded at double the rate of white British girls
9 London Gov UK – Young black men face some of the highest unemployment rates in London
10 Gov UK – Pupils eligible for FSM more than four times likely to be permanently excluded